The World Cup is here and OPay has put up a plan to make the Qatar 2022 fiesta a memorable one for all football lovers in Nigeria.
As a valued partner, OPay has concluded plans to reward both your new and existing customers during the fiesta with a chance to win five (5) numbers PS5 Boxes and several original Super Eagles jerseys. In addition, we have created a referral arrangement that rewards all of NAIJABET users with extra N800 for each completed referral effort, subject to meeting the terms and conditions below. The icing on the cake is that each new NAIJABET user who fund via the OPay App automatically gets a 100% welcome bonus (capped at N500).
- There will be five (5) numbers of PS5 Boxes to be won. Each week during the tournament will see one winner of a PS5 Box emerge. The fifth PS5 Box winner will emerge from a random prediction of the winner of the World Cup on OPay social media handles.
- There are 20 original Super Eagles jerseys. 5 number original Super Eagles jerseys will be won every week during the 4-week duration of the tournament.
- N800 bonus can be won by old users multiple times on every successful referral.
- Every new user belonging to a co-partner betting brand gets 100% bonus (capped at N500).
The duration of the campaign shall be 4 weeks, starting from Sunday 20th November 2022 and ending on Sunday 18th December 2022. The winner of the last PS5 Box will emerge the next day.
Old Users – All OPay App users who have been active 3 months before the start of the campaign are eligible to participate in the weekly PS5 and jersey reward promo. The user with the highest number of successful referrals wins the main prize each week.
New Users – All new users on the OPay App who fund their NAIJABET betting wallet within 24 hours automatically get 100% extra capped at N500 on first betting top up. Such new users are also automatically entitled to participate and benefit in both the N800 referral bonus as well as the weekly PS5/Jersey campaign thereafter.
Each NAIJABET User coming to the OPay App for the first time is expected to fund his betting wallet with at least N100.
A referral link will be made available to both old and new users to track the number of successful referrals. The user with the highest number of successful referral in a week automatically wins the PS5 for that week while 5 others win consolation prizes of jersey for each week.
- The campaign is open to all OPay App users who are active at least 3 months before the campaign.
- New OPay users who fund a betting wallet of one of the co-partners during the campaign within 24 hours of registration with OPay can get the 100% bonus (capped at N500)
- PS5 and jersey promo are weekly and a new cycle starts after the winners for the previous week have emerged.
- User with the highest number of successful referral automatically wins the grand prize for each week while five others with next highest referrals get to win a jersey each.
- Each successful referral attracts N800 bonus extra credited to the winner’s OPay wallet but efforts in the previous week cannot be carried over to the following week
- A user can only win one of jersey or PS5 once during the campaign. However, there is no limit to how many times a user can get the N800 on his successful referral endeavors.
- For clarity, a referral is termed successful after the referred person successfully downloads and funds his betting wallet with at least N100
- Each device can only be used for maximum of two accounts eligible for the 100% (capped at N500) bonus
- OPay is responsible for instant credit of the due amount on each successful referral.
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